Thunder Ride for Juvenile Diabetes
A 501(c)3 charitable organization serving local children and families in their daily battle against juvenile diabetes. We ride for the day when Juvenile Diabetes is no longer the reason we ride.
Hello Thunder Ride Family! Reaching out to our friends and supporters, we are in need of some assistance with our thunderride.org page. As most of you likely realize, none of us who organize the Thunder Ride are technically savvy enough to create, update, or repair a website.![]()
We are in search of an individual or a company who would be willing to help us update our website and get all registration and ticketing links to work. We are in need of this in a short amount of time as we would like to open up our Sponsorship page.![]()
Is anyone able to assist us in finding someone, keeping in mind we are a not-for-profit organization? We need to be as fiscally responsible as possible so we can continue to greatly support our T1D, but we also need an attractive website that operates as it should.![]()
Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Make plans to join us as we host 2 Haunted Corn Mazes this year! ![]()
Saturday Oct 19th:
👹G-E-T Music Boosters are ready to give you one heck of a fright!
🎃The Dancing Fox – DJ Entertainment will be here spinning some tunes. Wear a costume for a chance to win a prize!
👻The Beer garden will be open if you need something to drink after getting scared half to death ![]()
Saturday Oct 26:
👺GET FFA kids will be here waiting to make you scream in terror
👻The Beer garden will be open if you need something to drink after getting scared half to death ![]()
😈The scary good time starts at dusk, with the last entry in the corn maze @ 9:30![]()
💰A portion of the ticket sales will go directly to the clubs doing the scaring these nights. Tickets are $12 & available the day of right here on the farm.![]()
⚠️Important note: the scarers in the corn maze are high school kids, so there will be 0 tolerance for any disrespectful behavior. Also, anyone who appears under the influence will NOT be allowed to enter the corn maze. Thank you for your understanding!
Schwertel Family Farms, what a great family making a big difference in a small town. ❤️The Schwertel family saw everyday life change last year, and now they hope to educate — and help — others.![]()
Schwertel Family Farms, LLC is a third-generation family farm in Trempealeau operated by Ryan Schwertel, his wife Kristina and their daughters. The farm at W27348 State Road 54 35 is in the midst of its second annual corn maze.![]()
After offering the public corn maze last year with a theme of ‘Shop local’, the Schwertels were considering 2024 themes when they began reflecting on how their lives have changed since their daughter Kinley was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in January 2023.![]()
READ MORE: www.trempcountytimes.com/news/trempealeau-corn-maze-hopes-educate-type-1-diabetes
October is coming in hot…..literally 😆🤒![]()
Good news though, it sounds like a cool down is coming and we can finally get out the boots and hoodies 🧡🍁![]()
1 more month to join us on the Farm, see you soon!